Probiotics are microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer health benefits on the host. This has made the global probiotics market a profitable one for companies involved in its development and distribution, especially those with significant R&D capabilities. Probiotics are also increasingly being used in animal feed to promote livestock growth and prevent antibiotic resistance. As a result, the global animal probiotics market has witnessed a significant rise in recent times.
Probios are now available in many different forms, including food, drinks, and dietary supplements. They have become extremely popular in the last few years, mainly due to increased awareness among consumers and improved understanding of their benefits. However, the number of people using probiotics is still limited compared to their potential.
Several factors have led to the increasing popularity of probiotics worldwide, including increased disposable income and growing awareness about the importance of a balanced diet. The probiotics market is also witnessing strong demand in countries such as China, where a rapidly growing middle-class population is fuelling the demand for functional foods.
The probiotics industry has benefited from the use of advanced technologies, which have made it possible to produce larger quantities at lower costs and in more streamlined processes. In addition, there is an ongoing effort to develop probiotics with specific functions that can address certain medical conditions. This has opened up new market opportunities for manufacturers to tap into as well.
Although probiotics are safe for most healthy people, it is important to know what to look for when buying these products. For instance, you should read the label and check the product’s expiration date. Moreover, you should make sure that the product has been stored correctly. You should also note the number of CFU (colony-forming units) in each serving. This is an important information to consider because it indicates the amount of bacteria that will survive and be active throughout the product’s shelf life.
In order to claim that a food or supplement contains probiotics, national regulations require that a certain minimum number of bacteria be present in the product. This is usually expressed as a colony-forming unit per g or ml. The amount of bacteria required varies between countries, but the EFSA recommends a minimum of 10 billion CFU per serving for most probiotic foods and supplements.
The high-potency, multi-strain biotic drink has been formulated to provide digestive support and enhance immune function. It is a unique combination of psyllium husks, sugar beet fibre, glucomannan, L-Glutamine, prebiotics, bacterial cultures (20 billion strength), and herbs in a tasty, easy-to-take powder form. It is ideal for a long-term bowel support and weight loss programme or as part of a cleanse and detox regime. The supplement contains the beneficial Saccharomyces boulardii yeast strain and is a great way to replenish and maintain your natural bacteria. It is a great source of fibre and is suitable for vegans. It also provides a good source of protein and antioxidants.